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IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration certification exam is an excellent opportunity for professionals who want to prove their expertise in QRadar SIEM V7.5 administration. IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration certification exam validates the candidate's skills in configuring, deploying, and operating QRadar SIEM V7.5. Moreover, this certification exam provides a competitive advantage to professionals and helps them to enhance their career in the field of cybersecurity.

IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration Sample Questions (Q47-Q52):

Before configuring a WinCollect log source, which two ports does a QRadar administrator ensure are open?

  • A. 514 and 8413
  • B. 443 and 8413
  • C. 8080 and 8413
  • D. 445 and 8413

Answer: A

Before configuring a WinCollect log source in QRadar, the administrator must ensure that specific network ports are open to facilitate communication. The required ports are:
Port 514: This is the default port for syslog, a standard protocol used to send system log or event messages to a specific server. WinCollect uses this port to send logs from Windows machines to the QRadar server.
Port 8413: This port is used for communication between the WinCollect agent and the QRadar Console. It is necessary for managing the WinCollect agent and ensuring proper data transmission.
Ensuring these ports are open is crucial for the seamless operation and integration of WinCollect with QRadar, allowing the secure and efficient collection of log data from Windows environments.
IBM Security QRadar SIEM and IBM Security QRadar EDR integration.pdf

When creating an identity exclusion search, what time range do you select?

  • A. Previous 30 days
  • B. Previous 7 days
  • C. Real time (streaming)
  • D. Previous 5 minutes

Answer: C

When creating an identity exclusion search in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, the time range selected is "Real time (streaming)." This setting ensures that the search continuously monitors and excludes identities in real-time as data is ingested. Here's the process:
Real-time Monitoring: Continuously updates the search results based on incoming data, providing immediate exclusion of specified identities.
Streaming Data: Processes data in a live stream, ensuring that the exclusion criteria are applied instantaneously as new events occur.
The setup and configuration of identity exclusion searches are detailed in the QRadar SIEM administration guides, highlighting the importance of real-time streaming for effective identity management.

Which is the default port for the first NetFlow flow source that is configured in QRadar?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3

Answer: D

The default port for the first NetFlow flow source configured in QRadar is 2055. Here's a detailed explanation:
NetFlow Flow Sources: NetFlow is a network protocol developed by Cisco for collecting IP traffic information. QRadar can be configured to receive NetFlow data to monitor and analyze network traffic.
Default Port: When setting up the first NetFlow flow source in QRadar, the system uses port 2055 by default. This is a standard port commonly used for NetFlow traffic.
Configuration: During the configuration process, this default port can be used to receive data from devices that export NetFlow data, such as routers and switches.
Using port 2055 helps standardize the setup process and ensures compatibility with most NetFlow-enabled devices.
IBM Security QRadar SIEM and IBM Security QRadar EDR integration.pdf

Domain assignments lake precedence over the settings of which other elements from a security profile?

  • A. Permission Precedence. Networks, and Log Sources tabs
  • B. Permission Precedence, and Log Sources tabs
  • C. Security profiles, Networks, and Log Sources tabs
  • D. Security profiles. Networks, and Domains

Answer: A

In IBM QRadar SIEM, domain assignments take precedence over the settings of other elements from a security profile, specifically Permission Precedence, Networks, and Log Sources tabs. This hierarchical precedence ensures that the domain settings are enforced across different security configurations. The domain settings effectively override other configurations to maintain consistency and security across the environment. This structure helps in managing access and permissions more effectively by ensuring that the domain-level policies are the primary controlling factor.
QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration Guide - Chapter on Domain Management and Security Profiles

In a single domain QRadar deployment, which IP addresses are considered local?

  • A. Any IP address that is defined in the network hierarchy
  • B. Any private IP address
  • C. Any IP address that is not defined in the network hierarchy
  • D. Any public IP address

Answer: A

In a single domain QRadar deployment, the IP addresses considered local are those that are defined in the network hierarchy. Here is a detailed explanation:
Network Hierarchy: QRadar uses a network hierarchy to define and manage IP addresses within the organization. This hierarchy allows QRadar to understand which IP addresses are part of the internal network and which are external.
Defining Local IP Addresses: Any IP address that is specified within the network hierarchy is considered local. This includes all the subnets and IP ranges that are part of the internal network.
Purpose: By defining the network hierarchy, QRadar can effectively differentiate between internal (local) and external (non-local) traffic, enabling more accurate detection and correlation of security events.
This approach helps in identifying suspicious activities by comparing the source and destination of traffic against the defined internal network.
IBM Security QRadar SIEM and IBM Security QRadar EDR integration.pdf


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